Thursday, September 6, 2018

13 Years Ago (by Jennifer)

Her 12th birthday hit me hard, harder than any previous. It was the 2nd day of 7th grade, the first day of volleyball tryouts. (And with homeschool the year before, I had spent much of my waking time with her the past year.) Luckily, it was late start Wednesday, so I got to walk her to school. But she didn't arrive home until 5pm - it was the beginning of the "teenage life", in which they are working 8am-5pm, even if you aren't. I was filled with sadness at the thought of "losing" her.

As her 13th birthday approached (a couple days ago), I told her that in lieu of birthday gifts this year, she could choose the next part of our trip (where we went and what we did for the days around her birthday).  She chose to hike the Robberg Peninsula to celebrate her 13th trip around the sun.

So, here we are in the tiny village of Keurboomstrand, SA for two nights.

As we hiked, she and I talked about how she will likely spend (at least) the next nine birthdays at school (and after school activities). As we listened to the seals bark on a rocky outcropping, ran down the sand dunes, and watched three seals surf the waves while we ate lunch today, I clung to the moments as they passed.


  1. The 3-day volleyball tryouts were exciting. As we recall, it was not a forgone conclusion that Abby and her friend Cindy would make the team, given that when the girls were lined up by height the first day, Abby was among the shortest. Fortunately, they and their friends did make it, had a great season and Abby mastered the serve. Thanks for the memory.
    Love, Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Mary Jo

  2. The Oreo milkshakes sound intriguing. Looking forward to trying one when you return
