Friday, September 28, 2018

Last days in our home-for-the-month.

On our second to last day in South Africa, we walked two miles to a large Saturday farmer's market in Cape Town for lunch. After our meal, Ben and dad went to a Cape Town vs. Soweto professional soccer game. Mom was hoping she and I would ride the cable car up to the top of Table Mountain but it was still cloudy at the top so she decided we'd wait one more day. So, instead we walked to a planetarium. We saw a show about astroids (very cool) and then stopped for some frozen yogurt on the way home.
The "central park" of Cape Town (see those clouds behind me...covering Table Mtn...??)

The boys loved the soccer game and were practically the only white people there, which they thought was cool. Even though this country is 95% black or colored, there's never been a dark skinned person in a restaurant or anywhere else we've gone (unless they're working there, of course). It was only at the aquarium and the soccer game where there were black people as patrons, with us. My parents really appreciated the change of pace. 
That night, we went out to dinner at a seafood restaurant. It was seriously the best fish I have ever tasted (Cape Malay style - mom's new favorite food). The next morning, we returned the car in town and then stopped at a coffee shop on the way back to our place. Dad meant to get us lunch there but they didn't have breakfast or lunch food....just cake. The South Africans sure know how to do their cakes! Ben got chocolate and I got carrot.

After returning home, Ben and I got to binge watch Friends for three hours (while mom and dad got ready to re-enter our real life). It was great!

This was Ben and I outside an art museum in Cape Town after the Robben Island tour. The chair things spun in circles, and it always felt like you were going to fall out. They were super fun!

After going to dinner the night of the our departure, we collected our stuff, got in an Uber, and said goodbye to South Africa. Our flight didn't leave until 11pm, so we hung out in the deserted Cape Town airport terminal for a few hours. On the 10 hour flight, unlike mom, dad, and myself, Ben didn't sleep a wink. That caused this little episode in the Amsterdam airport. Ben 10 is asleep again! (Since I'm attempting to tease Ben rather than myself, please avert your eyes from the left side of the picture.)

 Our next 10 hour flight landed us in Seattle, where we passed out at our aunt and uncle's. My whole family said that it was sad to leave. When we were out and about at the beginning of the trip, we said stuff like "Let's go back to the (hotel, house etc.) But by the end our our time in South Africa, we could say "Let's go home," and it felt right. We had a wonderful visit, and I would go back in a heartbeat.

Hopefully this blog was at least remotely informative, and maybe even a little funny, because we definitely had some laughs while writing it. Knowing my mom, she will maybe want to do a "final thoughts post", but this will be my last one. Thanks for reading!


P.S. Here are two more interesting snacky things we found during our last few days in South Africa.


  1. Abby, thank you so much for blogging your way through the trip! It was extremely informative, insightful, and way more than just a little funny - I found it to be super entertaining! I’m jealous of your dad and Ben 10’s trip to the soccer game! And I love the picture of you and Ben in the wobbly chair things. I’m sad the trip, and therefore blog posts, are done. But I’m very thankful you took me and your readers on this trip with you through your writing!

  2. Abster! This blog was such a treat. I feel so close to you through your writing.
    I know this was RSA specific, but your current adventure is still unique - any chance you'll keep blogging for us?!
